Redheads High on Marijuana

There is a strain of marijuana named after Willie Nelson called the Red headed Stranger.iu

I am wondering how other redheads respond to getting high on marijuana, since we  respond differently to almost everything such as needing 20% more anesthesia to be put under. I myself smoked it many many times before I felt anything. But when I did, it was quite a ride. I was at a concert where White Snake opened for Quiot Riot. The music never sounded so good. I shouldn’t have been driving when we left. I remember being on a slant and the other cars moving and I thought I was going backwards, so I pressed the brakes and started screaming. I think I drove 10mph all the way the home. Those stop signs took like eternity to arrive.

I have read other discussion sites where redheads often never get high, to getting higher than anyone else to just a regular high. Sure enough there is always the uninformed  response from non-redheads that cannot believe that marijuana would react differently because of one’s hair color. Personally, I haven’t touched the stuff in years. That is funny to me now that marijuana is legal in most states. Lastly, it’s always a bad ride when I have drunk alcohol before smoking.